Tools That Transform

Unlock the power of alignment, foster psychological safety and see joint performance peak.

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Free Templates

Team Alignment Map


The Team Alignment Map is a co-planning tool ensuring every member's optimal contribution. Together, streamline planning, negotiate resources, and de-risk.



✓ Aligned Contributions: Harmonize every team member's role and contribution.

 Simplified Process: Establish the team mission, objectives, roles, and manage resources in just two steps.

 Faster Execution: Accelerated coordination results from deeper mutual understanding.


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 Team Contract


The Team Contract streamlines team operations and sparks innovation by defining team norms and behaviors.



✓ Clear Expectations: Set the rules and ensure everyone's on the same page.

✓ Minimized Conflict: A reference tool to prevent and address conflicts.

✓ Boosted Team Innovation: Make team values tangible, promoting idea-sharing and cohesiveness.


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Fact Finder


Facilitate productive meetings with the Fact Finder. Master the art of asking the right questions and bring unparalleled clarity to team conversations.



✓ Inquire Expertly: Sidestep language pitfalls to ensure mutual understanding.

✓ Informed Decisions: Understand precisely what's being said for better decision-making.
✓ Efficiency: Engage in crisp, clear, and constructive dialogues.


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Nonviolent Requests Guide

Navigate conflicts with elegance. The Nonviolent Request Guide provides a structured approach to disagreements, promoting understanding and resolution. 



 Constructive Disagreements: Voice concerns without pointing fingers.

 Conflict Resolution: Promote a win-win scenario in conflict situations.

✓ Fortified Relationships: Build a foundation of trust and psychological safety.


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Respect Card 


The Respect Card is your checklist for tactful communication. It offers techniques to convey messages considerately, especially in sensitive contexts.



✓ Respectful Communication: Challenge perspectives with care.

✓ Valuation of Others: Express genuine appreciation and gratitude.

✓ Gaffe Prevention: Navigate interactions, especially in unfamiliar terrains or hierarchies, without missteps.


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Team Alignment Map

Assessment Mode


Transform the Team Alignment Map with four arrows for an instant vote system, perfect for agile project troubleshooting. 



 Reveal Blind Spots: Illuminate hidden perceptions and bridge the understanding gap.

 Neutral Feedback: Visual prompts to initiate proactive and solution-oriented conversations.

 Lowered Risk: Be proactive. Spot and solve issues before they escalate.


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Meeting Optimizer


Let's make every meeting count with the Meeting Optimizer: your collective roadmap to better team meetings.



✓ Enhanced meeting productivity and engagement.

✓ Continuous improvement of meeting culture.

✓ Empowerment through collective insight and personal commitments.


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Multilingual Downloads

Get the tool templates in the language that suits your team best. More languages available soon.


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Tous les outils en version française.



Tutti gli strumenti in versione italiana.



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Quick Start Guides

Team Alignment Map Quick Guide
Team Contract Quick Guide
Conflict Resolution Quick Guide

Frequenty Asked Questions